Why so quiet lately?

Nikon FE-2, With MB-12, SB-15 Speedlight, 105mm f/2.5, With F3, Everready Case, And 50mm f/1.8 Ai.

Nikon FE-2, With MB-12, SB-15 Speedlight, 105mm f/2.5, With F3, Everready Case, And 50mm f/1.8 Ai.

Right now, the fridge has about a dozen rolls of undeveloped film, mostly candid portraiture of my son. But when time does not allow for time in the darkroom, and you start playing with your Nikon SLR’s, one can rapidly fall behind. That is truly what has happened here. One night soon, I will get back in there, load the tank up, and start catching up. It is so bad, in fact, that I have started shooting digitally again as well, with the D300. I might do another entry on thoughts on digital. Until then, that’s my excuse. I will catch up, soon! What you see above is the Nikon 35mm kit I have been shooting with, along with the 135mm f/2.8 Ai. For the type of shooting I do, this has proven to be the ideal film kit.

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